Dead, ugly brush has been transformed into lush, flowing fields of flowers and wispy grasses. Lifeless looking single trees have been replaced by clusters of beautifully full pine and fir trees. Mod maker gutekfuitek has taken the sparse battefield landscapes of M&B and transformed them into believable and beautiful killing fields. In keeping with the theme of spectacular Mount and Blade graphics mods, we come across Polished Landscapes. The result is a fantastic increase in overall graphical quality, so much so that many larger mods have used GE 2.5 as a building block for their own graphical takes on Mount & Blade. GE 2.5 overhauls many of the default textures and increases their resolution. The definitive Mount and Blade graphics mod is Graphical Enhancement 2.5. Luckily, there is a fix for those blocky, dirty textures. Mount and Blade is fittingly gritty when it comes to both combat, and unfortunately, graphics. Continue reading to discover the best Mount and Blade mods available today. Well, the top 10 best Mount and Blade mods guide is here. But with so many available, it can be impossible to choose the absolute essential Mount and Blade mods for you. Luckily, there is an active community making mods for Mount and Blade that fix some of these problems. However, Mount & Blade also looks like an independently developed game, and fittingly also has some bugs as well as gameplay that is pretty bare bones. It combines an overhead map display and free roaming gameplay with visceral and intense horse and sword play. Just be careful to watch out for incompatibilities between mods, which can occur when you have two similar mods installed.Mount and Blade is an independently developed action-adventure role playing game released in 2008 for the PC. Everything installed using Vortex will be available the next time you launch Bannerlord. The mod manager (known as Vortex) will be able to download, install and manage all your favorite Bannerlord mods. The same goes for Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord. This is the same platform we enjoy for hit games like Skyrim Special Edition, which has thousands of mods available that can all be installed but with a few clicks. Installing mods in Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord is a streamlined process, thanks to using Vortex and ModNexus. Free at ModNexus How to install mods in Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord No longer do you have to click on settlements to see what's going on. Finally, a bracelet showcases a tournament underway. Blue exclamation point represents an available quest for you to take. A crown represents noble troops available for recruitment. This handy mod adds icons to the names of settlements across Calradia.